"Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research," as it has been said. When we think of history it tends to remind us of a distant past.

History is continuing to be made and recorded everyday of our lives, history is a constant which never cease. 

Each generation must continue its journey to inspire and uplift not only someone today, but for those who dare to look back years from now.

Having heard over the years the logic of the phrase which says,  'let your light shine.' When performed in sincerity and humility its objective is to inspire and uplift. 

The talent and ability which has been deposited within each of us should become testimonial. We should work together collectively and be supportive to achieve a greater good.

The history which has been provided on this page goes back over a century. Those from whom we have descended have already paid their price. 

The appreciation that is owed while working together collectively or in our individual pursuits is to set an example that states that nothing has been done in vain.

The progression which comes through the ages is a often a given due to time, as time progresses. But upon each generation progression does not come without a price.

In knowing and appreciating where one has arrived helps to pave a way to  where one intends to go either individually or collectively as a group.

Let's help one another in making a marvelous history for our generation and generations to come. When others look back they can draw  inspiration towards continue the journey of progression.

Upon every generation torch is lit relevant to the day and age in which it lives. We should cease the opportunity to teach those who follow to move forward triumphantly.

Within the past 50 years alone, many a struggle have been documented for basic civil rights. Today some of those same rights are being squandered to the dismay of those who paid the ultimate price.

As a dedication to each of us and especially those as the tree continues its growth, recognize your history. Appreciate that fact in knowing from where you have arrived. 

This speaks directly to what has been provided within the following researched information. Some of which dates back slightly before the signing of the 'Emancipation Proclamation'  which became ratified in 1863.

Everyone has a story and this is a part of that story belonging to those who can be identified back to a southern town in the northeast section of North Carolina within Hertford County.

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Myesha, the Researcher

Myesha's early curiosities upon her summer vacations as a child to Murfreesboro, NC prompted her to ask herself many questions.

Some of which were the obvious as for family ties and relationships. It is not unusual being in a place where to some degree, everyone is nearly family.

As she grew into adulthood, she was not content in leaving these questions to be unanswered. She has a long background in law enforcement within the State of NJ.

So if this says anything in regards to her investigative skills, then it shows in her quest to get answers. The extent she has gone is a tribute to us all.

As it is to be appreciated, she has built a private family tree on ancestry.com  over the years which is constantly growing with 1,144 family members. This is supported by at least 348 photos and countless census reports and plenty other documents. Her work is definitely to be commended. 

All of what comprising this page is information she has shared regarding her research which continues to this day. 

​the ElEY/Parker Family Website


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Family history